Proven Performance with FDA-Clearance
Ova1Plus is a proprietary reflex process combining two FDA-cleared tests, Ova1®, leveraging high sensitivity, and Overa®, leveraging high specificity, for patients with adnexal masses.
High Sensitivity
96% sensitivity when combined with clinical assessment2
Higher Detection
Detects 59% more ovarian cancer risks missed by CA-125 alone4
Early-Stage Detection
Detects 63% of early-stage malignancy risk (Stage I and II) missed by CA-1254
A peer-reviewed study shows Ova1 offers superior performance over CA-125 in identifying early-stage ovarian malignancies2:
sensitivity for early-stage ovarian cancer vs CA-125's 62.8%
sensitivity across all cancer stages vs CA-125’s
reduction in missed early-stage cancers vs clinical impression
(5% vs. 31%)
Supported By Professional Guidelines
ACOG: LEVEL B – Practice Bulletin 174

Consultation with or referral to a gynecologic oncologist is recommended for women with an adnexal mass who meet one or more of the following criteria:
Premenopausal or postmenopausal women with an elevated score on a formal risk assessment test such as the multivariate index assay (MIA = OVA 1) 5
SGO Position Statement

Tests monitoring blood levels of five proteins may be useful in identifying women with a pelvic mass who should be referred to a gynecologic oncologist.6
Clinical Advantages for Ease & Convenience

Refine Your Approach to Adnexal Masses
Unlike single biomarker tests of the past, Ova1Plus offers data-driven insights to complement provider judgment, imaging, and patient history. Our proprietary algorithm includes:

Ova1Plus equips healthcare providers with the comprehensive ovarian cancer risk intelligence needed to optimize surgical management plans.
Not immediately planning for surgery?

* In cases of an intermediate Ova1 result, the FDA-cleared Overa reflex is performed to increase specificity
PRECAUTION: Ova1 and Overa should not be used without an independent clinical and imaging evaluation and is not intended to be a screening test or to determine whether a patient should proceed to surgery. Incorrect use carries the risk of unnecessary testing, surgery, and/or delayed diagnosis.
PRECAUTION: OvaWatch is intended for use as a non-invasive test to assess the risk of ovarian cancer for women with adnexal masses, evaluated by initial clinical assessment (ICA) as indeterminate or benign. In conjunction with imaging (ultrasound and/or CT) and clinical assessment, this test will support physicians in making informed clinical decisions in the management of women with adnexal masses. The test is not intended as a screening test or a stand-alone diagnostic assay.